KEUR + IBOP(dr) predicates for Haloa Barina EH!        

September 30, 2016

Today  Haloa Barina EH (by Jazz x Florencio) was successful in the KWPN IBOP test in Berlicum. With her amazing movements and beautiful conformation she was awarded 79.5 points. She got following scores: walk 8 (x2), trot 8.5 (x2), canter 7.5 (x2), suppleness 8, carriage 7.5, rideability 8, talent as a dressage horse 8, total score 79.5 points.
Video IBOP test Haloa Barina E.H.

Haloa is the second daughter of our Elite Preferent mare Carina, and a halfsister to our Ilona Barina E.H. (by Apache), we sold her as a foal.

Haloa 4 yrs old at CK