Saddle pressure measurements  explained !

Dec 2009

 Saddle pressure measurements are made by a special sensor pad containing 446 sensors. These 446 sensors take 60 measurements each second and relay (wireless) the results to a receiver, connected to a PC. At the PC these measurements are stored and can be processed. These measurements can be synchronized with video, to see the combination of the pressure measurements and actual video.
The processing of the measurements is done off-line, and gives images which contain:
  • movie of pressure distribution over time, to study general pressure distribution over time.
  • average and max pressure distritbution, allowing identification of overall and special pressure points
  • left / right side summation of pressure, allowing study of assymetries.
In this video, you find the continuous output stream (retarded by a factor 3).

In the figure below, you find some of the output facilities of the saddle pressure system

saddle pressure in trot