Grand opening of riding hall

Oct 8 2000

Following the completion of the riding hall, stables, training mill and roads in sept, we organized an official opening ceremony on oct 8 2000.

Personal invitations were sent out as well as some advertizing was done in the local newspapers and towards the horse community (De Paardenkrant).

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The opening was a great succes: about 400 people came to look at "De Engelse Hoeve".  Several shows were given:


Linda gave a Freestyle demonstration on her favorite horse Edgar, with whom she has participated in the higher dressage competition (at ZZ-L + 8).



Also the breeding mares Olympia and Ochtendster with her young foal Typhoon were shown.

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Leida Strijk with KWPN approved stallion Kennedy gave a very interesting clinic.

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Jan Bardoel (owner of KWPN approved stallion Kennedy) did the speeching during the show.


All in all a very memorable day!!