Well visited saddle check & measurement day at De Engelse Hoeve

October 1, 2011

In cooperation with saddle & tack store Drunens Ruiterhuis, we organized a saddle check day for all interested riders with their horse and saddle. Several more or less severe problems were found, like a broken saddletree, some poor fitting saddles and some out of center sitting riders. Tom and Peter of Drunens Ruiterhuis did the saddle checks and gave some advice for improvement, and with our saddle pressure measurement system we made visible how the saddle fits on the horse while riding, as well as the riders position during riding. Excentrically sitting riders were helped with instructions and exercises how they could improve their seat. Different types of saddle pads were measured to show their benefit in case of saddle issues.The saddle check and the measurements appeared to be very complementary. One of the saddles showed a problem which the saddle checkers wouldn't have seen without help of our measurement system.

Saddlecheck Drunens Ruiterhuis 1

saddlecheck Drunens Ruiterhuis 2