Very instructive clinic Karin Retera at De Engelse Hoeve

October 25, 2011

Under the flag of Rijpaarden Fokvereniging Limburg we organized a very instructive clinic with dressage trainer, KWPN inspector, PAVO Cup judge and GP dressage judge Karin Retera. We had about 50 interested attendants. 

Karin explained the relation between the constitution of a dressage horse and his ability to perform in different dressage exercises under the saddle. She described a functional constitution as follows: a well developed shoulder and deep ribcase, long lines (= long muscles = better ability to bend and stretch), the 3 parts of the horse (front-middle-hind) well in balance (1-1-1); the horse doesn't necessarily need an uphill constitution, what counts is that he's able to move uphill. She also emphasized the importance of trainability; if a horse doesn't want to cooperate, we will never have a winner. 

Before the brake, Karin discussed the exterior of two dressage horses and their performance under the saddle in relation to their exterior, after the brake 5 Engelse Hoeve dressage mares were commented. 

Thank you Karin! 

We also thank Laura Snijders with her horse Wizzard and Astrid Winkelmolen with her horse Colonel for their contribution.

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